Generally speaking, financial advisors will often direct you to reliable enterprises though, for certain folks, high-growth stocks may make more sense. That’s particularly true if you’re part of the younger crowd. Here, with time as an advantage, growth investing becomes quite intriguing. Indeed, to achieve a robust retirement, carefully researched high-growth stocks for young investors
Artificial intelligence has been the talk of the town over the past few months, setting AI stocks on fire. Many mega-cap companies have joined the fray, investing billions in advancing the next-generation iterations of AI technology. Thus, whether we’re talking pure-play AI stocks, or companies making strategic pivots into this area, it’s clear that investors
Here’s a fresh development in the clean-energy vehicle space. Reportedly, a government-associated fund is taking a large stake in China-based electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer Nio (NYSE:NIO). Prospective investors should certainly pay attention to this news item. Yet, it’s not a sufficient reason to buy NIO stock in 2023. As we’ll discuss in a moment, a similar
At one point in time, tech stocks took center stage and became an integral part of every investor’s portfolio. During the pandemic, they offered unique solutions and enjoyed big rewards in terms of investor interest, higher revenue, and increasing market valuation. However, the past year was unkind to the tech industry. Inflation and concerns about
Many investors flock to dividend investing for stable cash flow and the potential for appreciation. The idea of earning passive income is attractive, especially for consumers planning for retirement. However, companies change, and this can hurt investors if their portfolios continue on autopilot for too long. Previously high-conviction stocks can turn into duds as economic
China has emerged as a strong force in the race for artificial intelligence (AI) dominance. Harnessing innovation, research and strategic investments has propelled China’s tech sector to the edge of global AI emergence. Recently, investors witnessed a relentless surge in AI adoption and integration across industries. Notably, these Chinese tech giants have positioned themselves as